I personally made the investment and use 8.1 from my corporate workstation, though there isn't a current plan to roll out Windows 8.x to our end users. An Executive purchased a Surface tablet that we were tasked to support, and though we try to enforce a position of remote workers using company issued equipment, this is not yet corporate policy. This has led me to encountering an end user who knew more about their OS than I, that is before I personally and professionally migrated to 8.x. I believe as IT professionals, we should always be one or two steps ahead of those who seek our leadership and support. There is a preponderance of negative opinion regarding 8.x from those who have not really taken the time to first hand vet 8.x within their corporate environment. Some IT professionals are weighing in who presently have yet to make the jump from Windows XP on their own workstation. I have become quite fond of 8.1, and more productive. Some of my IT colleagues went from ...